Friday, April 29, 2011

On the Royal Wedding

Me: Did you catch any of the Royal Wedding? The priest that marries them has a serious lisp

Bear: And he doesn't even get to kiss the bride til later how gay is that

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bear is not an ass

Recently Bear has had some concerns about being made to look like an ass. On behalf of all of Bear's delightfully smartassed children, I would like to say that Bear is not an ass.

Bear is a very kind and gentle creature, and the best Dad ever. Bear's children all speak fluent sarcasm, and have a great sense of humor.

This collection of gems Bear has said are not meant to make him look like an ass, but rather highlight some of the funnier things that have come out of his mouth.

Bear on Random Quotes/Counting Cards

Bear: Yo momma what homie?

Me: Hahahaha Totally going on your blog...

Bear: Whatever. And then?

Me: No and then

Bear: Why not and then

Me: Because I said

Bear: Well excuuuuse meeee. Smells like a pork product in here

Me: Are you attempting to quote Wayne's World?

Bear: Who sir, me sir, no sir not I sir

Me: What the hell is that?

Bear: Mr England's 7th grade English class

Me: Wow...

Bear: It was a group thing and you went around the room til somebody messed up or gave the wrong number. Helps u learn to count cards

Me: You learned card counting in English class? Hahahahahaha

Bear the food critic

Notes about this gem:
A- Bear is not aware that he is being filmed
B- Bear and I differ a bit (ahem, a LOT), about what we would like to see on our plate when we eat at a restaurant. The details of how I sparked this rant about steak escape me, however, it has made me laugh each of the 120394892 times I have watched it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bear in Seattle

We had been down to the market, and walked up ONE very steep hill.

Bear: Ok, so where around here can we get something "normal" to eat?

Me: What do you mean?

Bear: You know, american food. A burger and fries.

Me: Oh, the Cheesecake Factory is just a few more blocks away. We can go there.

Bear: okkkaaayyy, so are these normal streets, or 5 more effin steep hills?

Me: uhhhm.....

Bear: yeah, thanks but no thanks.

Bear goes Camping

Favorite Responses

Here are a few of my favorite responses I get regularly from Bear regarding various topics/questions:

That is correct.

That's what you get for being a pushy little rabbit.

Dammit, Kell!


That was a yoke. (joke. And I'm still unsure as to where that gem came from)

Bear on Roller Coasters at the top of Buildings

Me: You could ride that thing up on the Stratosphere! (in Vegas)

Bear: Yeah sure maybe if I was already dead

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

On My Pet Lizards

Me: My little patio lizards are back. I finally came up with names for them

Bear: What's that?

Me: Kimo and Tonto

Bear: Lone Ranger? Which is which?

Me: The fat one is Tonto. He's slower

Bear: He's not faster than a silver bullet

(side note: the saying is "Faster than a speeding bullet". Bear is old.)

Bear: By the way silver bullet was the lone rangers trademark faster than a speeding bullet is superman

On Bear's Blog

Me: BTW, Jamie and Olive have contributed to your page

Bear: And now they want more stuff

Bear is "never sick"....8 times a year...

Bear likes to say he's never sick.  But it's not true.  At least, it hasn't been for 10 years.   Here's what a text from a "Never Sick" Bear looks like.

Bear (on cancelling his b-day lunch because he was sick)

Bear: Hey sorry about today still feel like crap hope ur doing better
Me:  It's okay, I'm sore and tired too!!  Hope you feel better quick!
Bear: I'm never sick
Me:  LOL!!  I know.  Happy Birthday from the Universe.  HAHAHA
Bear:  It's happy birthday from some bug

Bear vs. the Medical Community

Me:  PT is helping, but the nerve testing set me back a month.
Bear:  I remember when I got that done wasn't fun
Me:  Yeah, it sucks.  I cried the entire time.  Should NOT have gone alone :(
Bear:   They had me flopping like a lobster

On How Patton Out Rommeled Rommel

This will be an ongoing section as the "Desert Fox" is Bear's favorite subject. Jamie and Olive, feel free to add your favorite tidbits of this story as you see fit.

Bear on the art of text messages:

Me: Can I trouble you to use a bit of punctuation in your text messages? It helps them make more sense.

Bear: that is ridiculous they r txt msgs not thesis for a degree in English lit

Monday, April 11, 2011

On Bear Being Informed of This Blog


Bear: What the hell

Bear: R u trying to compete with " shit my dad says" tv show

Me: I did not know such a show existed

Bear: It has characters instead of the word shit and its William shatner Google it

Awesome Bear Quotes

On me wanting to be a pirate:
Me: I could get a little sailboat and sail around Lake Hodges fishing and shouting obscenities at people brandishing a wooden sword and a capgun

Papa: If you were a real pirate you would steal their fish and gear and maroon them

On my oven locking itself shut after self clean mode:

Papa: I'm sure there's an over ride for that

Me: How often am I really gonna need to break into my oven?

Papa: Just because

Me: So we should all know how to break into things "just because"?

Papa: That's correct